
This document will show how to properly deploy an IoT agent SigFox in your current dojot deployment. This page assume that the deployment used the docker-compose scheme from repository dojot/docker-compose.

Build docker image

The first step to be executed is to build a Docker image. This can be done by executing the following command:

docker build -t iotagent-sigfox .

After building it, you can add it to docker-compose.yml (assuming you are using docker-compose. Other tools, such as Kubernetes, have their particular mechanism to add new services into the deployment). The following services should be added to docker-compose.yml file:

  image: redis:alpine
  restart: always
    driver: json-file
      max-size: 100m

  image: iotagent-sigfox
    - iotagent-sigfox-redis
    - kafka
    - data-broker
    - auth
  restart: always
    driver: json-file
      max-size: 100m

Also, script should also be changed. This modification will configure Kong to forward all requests received for /sigfox endpoint to iotagent-sigfox. You can add the following lines to the end of this script:

(curl -o /dev/null ${kong}/apis -sS -X PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d @- ) <<PAYLOAD
    "name": "iotagent-sigfox",
    "uris": ["/sigfox", "/sigfox_user"],
    "strip_uri": false,
    "upstream_url": "http://iotagent-sigfox:80"

After this, you’ll need to rerun kong-config service (to apply this new configuration to Kong):

docker-compose up kong-config

At last, the IoT agent can be started:

docker-compose up -d iotagent-sigfox

To use this IoT agent, you must add Sigfox user, used to register new devices in sigfox backend servers and, sigfox template using this user and add a few Sigfox devices. There a sample template to be used in Operation section and a simple exemple of how to add users. To test whether everything is working, you could send some dummy messages, like these:

curl -X POST ${DOJOT_HOST}/sigfox -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '
    "timestamp": '$(date +%s)',
    "station_lat": 0,
    "station_lng": 0,
    "data": "sample-data",
    "device" : "device_id_1"

This will send the “sample-data” message payload to a particular device (sigfox ID is `device_id_1`).